The oral medication helps assure understanding, reassurance in promoting satisfying lovemaking activity. By fulfilling the conditions of partner, the medicine promotes long lasting and flourishing relationship. Producing long lasting erection to promote ultimate outcomes, oral medication works well. Enhancing self pleasure, oral medication works with rapid onset. Resolving physical and psychological health issues, oral medication works well. Sildalist Strong
The recommended dose of the medicine is 140mg. One needs to take a single dose once in a day with a glass of water or low fat meal. Try not to split or break the tablet. Do not exceed or double dose the medication without consultation. For effective outcomes, consume the medicine an hour before lovemaking activity. Do not skip or miss the dose.
One needs to avoid use of Sildenafil and Tadalafil, if sensitive to the active substance. Consultation with healthcare supervisor is mandatory before taking medicine if suffering from health issues such as cardiovascular issues, kidney or liver disorder, arterial blockage or diabetes, neurological health issues. The medicine is intended for male and needs to be avoided from women and children. It does not help prevent one from sensually transmitting disease such as HIV. Sildalist Strong
Side Effects
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea
- Facial flushing
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